2.工作介质温度的要求 Requirement for the job medium temperature ●与阀门配套使用时,工作介质温度传到执行机构上面,执行机构温度会升高。 While using with the valve together the job medium temperature is passed to the executive body, the temperature of executive body will rise 详情联系王经理:153,8032,9557(wei 信同号) 工作介质是高温时,与阀门连接的支架起减少热传导的作用。 Workin the job medium is at a high temperature, the support connected with the valve plays a role in reducing the heat-conduction ●工作介质温度60℃以下时请选用标准支架。 Please select the standard support for usu When the job medium temperature is under 60 C ●工作介质温度60℃以上时请选用高温支架。 More than 60 t of job medium temperature lease select the high-temperature support fir use 3.现场电线管、电缆线安装要求 The requirement of the electric wire tube. cable install on-the-spot 用电线管时,请按图图(3)安装 详情联系王经理:153,8032,9557(wei 信同号) When being in charge of electric wire. please install according to the picture(3). 1电线管外径是Φ9-ゆ11的电缆。 A cable that the electric wire s extemal diameter in o9-011 2要充分采取防水对策 Fully adopt the waterproof countermeasure 3执行机构应**电线管,使电线管内水珠不至流进机构以确保其安全。 The executive body should be higher than the electric wire to manage, he drops of water are unlikely to flow into to hold the organization in order to guarantee its security in making the electric wire in change of